The Police
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Appeal for information and CCTV footage following a spate of burglaries across Rugby



Dear Resident


There has been a spate of burglaries throughout Rugby over the last few weeks, particularly Hillmorton, Cawston and their surrounding areas.


Houses are being targeted to get keys for high power, expensive vehicles as well untidy searches looking for jewellery and cash. The timings are anywhere between 18:30hrs in the evening through to the early hours of the morning.

If you have seen any vehicles or people acting suspiciously in your area, we are reminding you to be vigilant and take all safety measures you can. These include locking your vehicles, applying steering wheel locks, putting keys into faraday pouches. Close your windows and curtains, look out for your neighbours and any suspicious activity in the area.


If you have any CCTV footage or ring doorbell footage you may have of people acting suspiciously or vehicles driving up and down your road, please send this via a link if you can. Whilst facial images of the suspects or registrations of the vehicles are helpful, footage doesn’t need to show these in order to assist our investigation. Anything you may have dismissed or disregarded will be reviewed and assessed by our Burglary team.


If you see someone acting suspicious in your area, please contact the police and report this via 101, 999 or online. If you have an incident to report, again please do this via 101, 999 or online.


If you have footage you are able to send, via a link or otherwise, please send it to DC Rebecca Naughton – rebecca.naughton@warwickshire.police.uk

For more information on how to protect your home, please click here

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Message Sent By
Julie Armstrong
(Police, Admin, Warwickshire)

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