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'Dob em in' Campaign for nuisance bikes

Warwickshire County Council Community Safety Team, work in partnership with other agencies to address crime and safety concerns within your community. Anti-Social Behaviour caused by nuisance bikes is one such area we know accounts for a large proportion of ASB reports.


If bikes are being used in a manner which causes alarm, distress or annoyance, Police can issue notices under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act or seize the bike.


Police Officers can also attend addresses with Council Tenancy Officers to issue tenancy warning notices.


Community Safety are also working with fuelling stations to prevent underage access to fuel and to increase our intelligence with respects to illegal riders.


If your area is blighted by nuisance bikes the Community Safety Team are asking you to report this to the police on 101 or complete the online form via this website  https://safeinwarwickshire.com/crime-anti-social-behaviour/dob-em


Nuisance bikes, whether it be a Motorbike, E-Bike or Quad Bike are a cause of concern for several reasons; the noise that is created disturbs people in their homes, gardens and community, the riders often have no regard for other people’s safety on the public highway or byways, nor do they care about being road legal.


There are a number of actions that can and are being used against these riders, but we need YOUR help to focus resources and direct the right action to specific locations and/or people.


To help us, provide call handlers on 101 with a good description of the rider and the bike, giving a registration number if it can be seen along with an address of where the bike comes from and goes to (if known). Always ask for an incident number so you know it has been recorded.


Alternatively, you can complete a nuisance bike reporting form (Warwickshire County Council) that will go directly to the Community Safety Team and actioned accordingly. The aim of this form is to gather as much information as possible to target and direct resources to the source of the nuisance, the riders and the keeper’s address. This form should contain as much detail as possible about the nuisance, the riders, bikes, and any vehicles used to transport them if that is the case.


Over time, this information will help build up a picture of the issues within your community and partners can then take more appropriate and focused action.


Help us to reduce the blight caused by nuisance bikes in our communities.



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Message Sent By
Samantha Goode
(Police, PCSO, Rugby Town North)

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