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Closure Order Granted

Leamington Safer Neighbourhood Team have today obtained a closure order on a property in Redland Road which had long been associated with anti-social behaviour and drug dealing.

The order was granted for a maximum period of 3 months after officers presented compelling evidence to the court that criminal or anti social behaviour linked to the property was having a negative impact on the local community.

A full closure order prohibits anyone from entering the property during the closure period, with the residents evicted. Anyone in breach of the order can be arrested and imprisoned for up to 52 weeks.

PC Lake from Leamington SNT said “This isn’t the first time that we have taken action to shut down properties such as this one where the behaviour of a few is having a negative impact on so many people in the local area. I’m pleased that the court saw fit to grant us the full closure and I hope that the residents of Leamington take some comfort in knowing that anti-social and criminal behaviour will not be tolerated”.

If you are suffering with anti social behaviour, or suspect drug dealing is happening in your area please report this to us. You can call 101, 999 in an emergency, report it online via our website or anonymously via CrimeStoppers.

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Message Sent By
James Lake
(Police, PC, Leamington SNT)

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