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Kenilworth - Disused/Derelict Buildings - Summer 2024

We don't expect the younger residents of Kenilworth and their friends to know much about the dangers of asbestos, or to be expert building inspectors. That's why we're asking parents across the town for a favour. Can you have a chat with your child(ren) to remind them to stay away from disused/derelict buildings.
We're getting reports of disused buildings being broken into and used as hangout spots and - in some cases - being trashed. 
We're aware that hanging around in 'spooky' buildings and smashing things up might be an exciting prospect for some of our town's younger residents - but inhaling asbestos fibres or being injured by debris isn't that fun. Nor are the criminal consequences that people engaging in this behaviour might face. 
To report and incident/crime including anti-social behaviour in Warwickshire, call Warwickshire Police on 101 or submit a report online https://www.warwickshire.police.uk If someone is seriously injured, in immediate danger, or if there is a threat to public safety, please call 999.


Kenilworth Safer Neighbourhood Team

Dial: 01926 684404 | Email: kenilworth.snt@warwickshire.police.uk 

Facebook: @kenilworthandwarwickruralpolice | Website: www.warwickshire.police.uk 

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Message Sent By
Ed King
(Warwickshire Police, PCSO, Warwick Rural East SNT)

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