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Vehicle Crime - Munday Lane/Conrad Lewis Way - crime reference 23/30397/24

Vehicle Crime - Crime Ref: 23/30397/24

                                                                                Munday Lane/Conrad Lewis Way.


Between 03:00hrs and 05:00hrs on Friday 19-JUL-24 an unknown offender scratched the bonnet of a Nissan vehicle with a sharp implement and then proceeded to cause damage to a number of other cars on Munday Lane/Conrad Lewis Way.

  • Did you see/hear anything?
  • Do you have CCTV footage?
  • If you have information relating to the above offence, please call 101 or email Warwick SNT on the below details and quote crime reference 23/30397/24. Alternatively call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.


    Please also if this crime has happened to you on this date too, please report the crime via 101 or online Warwickshire Police.





    Warwick Safer Neighbourhood Team

    Email: SNTWarwickCentral@warwickshire.police.uk

    Website: www.warwickshire.police.uk 



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    Message Sent By
    Michelle Kimber
    (Warwickshire Police, PCSO, Warwick)

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