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Water Safety

Following the tragic news of the 8 yr old who lost his life after falling in the River Arrow, Alcester, it is imperative to re-iterate safety around water. 


Please be extra careful and vigilant at all times.



You can find lots of information on government sites and council sites on how to keep children safe around water this summer. 



Avoid open water swimming

Lakes, pools, rivers, canals and quarries are all examples of bodies of open water which can carry many dangers for swimmers which can be fatal.

The risk is especially high if you are swimming alone and have no one there to assist if you get into difficulties. There is also a risk to others who can lose their lives in attempting a rescue.

People regularly get into difficulties and even experienced swimmers can find themselves quickly in trouble.

The water is usually much colder than people expect – particularly if people move away from the shore or enter deep water, there are hidden currents, unexpected obstacles and weeds under the water which people get caught up in and cramp can quickly set in.

The water is also often unclean and carries a risk of catching waterborne diseases such as Weil’s disease – caused by rat’s urine.

Many of our lakes are also used for fishing, which means there could be fishing line in and around the water, which swimmers could get tangled in.

Children and teenagers, who do not realise the dangers, are attracted to such activities.

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Message Sent By
Aadila Hussain
(Police, PCSO , Alcester south )

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