The Police
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Burglary at Rural Property in Bentley

Crime Ref: 23/39819/24

Some time last night/early this morning (17th/18th September), unknown offender(s) forced entry to an outbuilding at a rural property on Hurley Lane, Bentley and stole a number of items.

If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area around this time or have any information that could assist the police with their enquiries please email ruralwatch@warwickshire.police.uk, call 101 or advise online at www.warwickshire.police.uk quoting the crime reference above.

Alternatively you can call the independent charity Crime Stoppers on 0800555111.

For crime prevention advice please go to our websites at www.warwickshire.police.uk and www.warwickshireruralwatch.co.uk

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Rural Crime Team

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