The Police
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Police Pop In

Police Pop In 

25th October 2024

15:00 - 1600 

The Barn At Houlton, Houlton Way, Rugby CV23 1AL

Your local policing Safer Neighbourhood Team would like you to come along to the police pop in session at The Barn in Houlton on 25/10/24.


We will be available to discuss any concerns you may have in your local area. If you want to tell us something that has happened near where you live or you may just want to chat to us. We are here to help in any way we can. 


We can provide advice on practical crime prevention techniques and other hints/ tips to help lower the risk of being a victim of crime.


All welcome please pop by and say hello to your local police team we can’t wait to meet you all!


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Message Sent By
Jack Newitt
(Police, PCSO, Rugby Town East SNT)

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