The Police
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**Theft of Motor Vehicle APPEAL**


** Theft of Motor Vehicle Loxley Road Stratford Upon Avon **

Between 16/11/24 at 17.30hrs and 17/11/24 at 11.30hrs Unknown offenders have by means unknow stolen a Ford Ranger 4x4 from a driveway without keys. 

If anyone has any information about this incident that could further the investigation or any CCTV, please inform us by one of the below methods.

- online at Warwickshire.police.uk/report
- call us on 101
- call CrimeStoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

Please quote crime number: 23/49059/24

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Message Sent By
Sarah Bailey
(Police, PCSO, Stratford Upon Avon SNT)

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