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OP RESOLVE - hotspot policing


How are we using hotspots for Op Resolve?

We have officers carrying out targeted patrols and demonstrating visible deterrence in hotspot areas across the county. This helps in short-term prevention of ASB and serious violence, but we must also apply a problem solving approach for sustainable, longer-term, success in preventing crime.

We are therefore also using initiatives that set out evidence-based interventions to address and prevent ASB and serious violence in and around the identified hotspots.

This includes work to amplify the visibility of patrols across a range of social media channels, liaison with businesses located in our hotspots, and education and engagement with school children on what ASB means and how it could affect them. We're also having conversations and providing toolkits on how to help prevent it.






Patrol Location:      Rugby town centre

Patrol Date:             09/02/25



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Operation Resolve
(Police, Coordinator, Warwickshire)

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