Warwickshire residents still have time to have their say on the potential options for funding policing and community safety in the year ahead. Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has an online survey asking for people's feedback on how much funding should be provided for policing through the Council Tax in 2025/26. This is important information for the Commissioner to consider ahead of proposing a formal budget next month.
The survey, which takes no more than 2 minutes to complete, asks respondents to select from a number of options for the police element of Council Tax (known as the Police Precept). This is separate to the other charges for county, district or borough council, fire service or parish council charges that make up the remainder of the bill, over which the Commissioner has no say. Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe says: "Setting the level of the Police Precept is one of the most important decisions I have to make each year. That's why I want to hear from as many people as possible on their views on the options I have for setting the Precept level for 2025-26, ahead of me making my final budget proposals in early February.
“There's still time to take the survey if you haven't already - and please do help share this message to enable me to hear from as many people across Warwickshire as possible.”
You can take the survey at: https://www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/budget-2025-26/