We are requesting your help in relation to the below incidents:
If anyone has any information or any CCTV that could further any of the above investigations, please inform us by one of the below methods, quoting the relevant crime numbers.
Reference: 23/4173/25 – Theft from motor vehicle When: 29/01/2025 17:00 to 30/01/2025 08:30 Where: Tomlow Road, Napton-on-the-Hill Unknown offender/s have removed front and rear number plates from a stationary and unattended Rover 75 parked in a layby at above location.
Reference: 23/4253/25 – Theft from motor vehicle When: 30/01/2025 11:40 to 30/01/2025 11:43 Where: St. Wulstan Way, Southam Unknown offender/s have removed front and rear number plates from a stationary and unattended Honda CRV parked at above location.
Reference: 23/4257/25 – Theft from motor vehicle When: 30/01/2025 14:00 to 30/01/2025 16:00 Where: The Green, Long Itchington Unknown offender/s have entered cab and rear of van parked on a driveway, stealing approximately £2000 worth of tools from within.
Reference: 23/4332/25 – Theft from motor vehicle When: 29/01/2025 21:30 to 30/01/2025 04:00 Where: Orchard Way, Long Itchington Unknown offender/s have attempted to gain access by forcing the lock on the kitchen window and damaged the frame in the process. No access believed to have been gained and nothing reported stolen.
Reference: 23/4666/25 – Burglary (residential) When: 31/01/2025 23:00 to 01/02/2025 08:00 Where: Church Street, Harbury Unkonwn offender/s have entered the victim's address by breaking open the key safe and using the front door key to enter, and have stolen money, car keys, jewellery and watch along with victim's car, a Fiat 500, which was later found on Short Lane, Long Itchington.
Reference: 23/4840/25 – Theft from motor vehicle When: 03/02/2025 11:00 to 03/02/2025 12:45 Where: Bascote Road, Bascote Unknown offender/s have stolen front and rear number plates from stationary and unattended vehicle, a VW golf, parked in a layby at the above location.
Reference: 23/4936/25 – Burglary (residential) When: 04/02/2025 03:08 Where: Flint Close, Southam Unknown offender/s have entered property by breaking the locks on the rear doors, conducted a tidy search, before stealing 2 Range Rovers from the driveway. Both vehicles have since been recovered with enquiries ongoing.
Reference: 23/4975/25 – Attempted Burglary (residential) When: 04/02/2025 02:00 to 04/02/2025 02:30 Where: Hurricane Way, Southam Three unknown offenders have climbed over the rear fence and attempted to gain entry to the property via rear patio door overnight, causing damage to handle and lock. No entry has been gained, and nothing is believed to have been stolen. | ||||
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