The Police
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Meet Your Team - Binley Woods Village Hall

Meet your team

PC Becky Bailey and PCSO Samantha Goode of your local Safer Neighbourhood Team will be at Binley Woods Village Hall today (24/02/25) between 16:50 and 18:00hrs, we look forward to meeting you and understanding any concerns or priorities you have for policing in your neighbourhood.  If you see us, please feel free to stop us and say hello. We have also conducted a high visibility foot patrol of the area today leading to a vehicle being seized for no tax. 

Find out more about your local officers, get the latest crime statistics and advice, help us with appeals for information and find out what we’re doing to tackle crime in your area by visiting our website


Thank you for your support. 

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Message Sent By
Samantha Goode
(Police, PCSO, Rugby Rural Central SNT)

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