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Offchurch - Suspicious Activity - Incident: 8 of 18/03/2025

Dear Resident

During the early hours of Tuesday 18-MAR-2025 at approximately 00:50, two unknown persons wearing dark clothing and balaclavas were seen on the drive of a residential property on Village Street, Offchurch near to St. Gregory's Church. No criminal offence(s) are known to have taken place.

Please report any incidents/crime, including suspicious activity to Warwickshire Police. For non-emergencies, dial 101 or submit a report online - Visit https://www.warwickshire.police.uk and select the report tab. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

Do not report incidents/crime directly to your local Safer Neighbourhood Team.

For crime prevention advice, visit Crime prevention advice | Warwickshire Police


Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team

Dial: 01926 684471 | Email: SNTWarwickRuralEast@warwickshire.police.uk 

Facebook: @kenilworthandwarwickruralpolice | Website: www.warwickshire.police.uk 

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Message Sent By
Ed King
(Warwickshire Police, PCSO, Warwick Rural East SNT)

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